如何将 Oracle 转储文件传输到 AWS RDS 实例?

我在 EC2 实例上有一个现有的 .dmp 文件,该文件可以访问在 AWS 上运行 Oracle 11g 的 RDS 实例.

I have an existing .dmp file on EC2 instance which has access to RDS instance running Oracle 11g on AWS.

我已阅读在 AWS RDS 中导入数据,好像AWS不支持这种直传.

I have read Importing Data in AWS RDS, it seems that AWS does not support this kind of direct transfer.

它确实需要有一个 Source Oracle DB,您必须从中创建/导出 .dmp 文件,然后您可以将其传输到 目标 RDS 实例 通过建立数据库链接.

It does require to have a Source Oracle DB from where you have to create/export a .dmp file which you can then transfer to destination RDS instance by establishing a db link.

我的问题是,有没有一种方法可以将我现有的 .dmp 文件传输/导入到 RDS 实例上的 DATA_DUMP_DIR ?

My question is, is there a way I can transfer/import my existing .dmp file to the DATA_DUMP_DIR on RDS Instance?



最终,我不得不启动另一个 AWS 实例,在其上安装 Oracle XE,然后将我的转储文件放入 DATA_PUMP_DIR &然后按照 AWS RDS 数据导入 指南进行操作.

Eventually, I had to spin up another AWS Instance, Install Oracle XE on it, then place my dump file in the DATA_PUMP_DIR & then follow the AWS RDS Data Import guide.

很烦人,没有其他方法可以做到这一点.并且没有对 RDS 实例的 SSH 访问只会加起来!此外,AWS Doc 也不清楚具体细节.

It's pretty annoying that there is no other way to do this. And having no SSH access to the RDS instace just adds up to that! Also, the AWS Doc is not clear about the particulars.
