SSIS 中 Oracle 到 SQL2005 DATETIME 字段溢出

2021-12-30 00:00:00 datetime sql-server-2005 oracle ssis

我正在使用 SSIS 将数据从 Oracle 导入 SQL Server 2005.我认为 Oracle 中的日期时间字段的存储精度高于 SQL Server 2005DATETIME"字段所允许的精度,从而导致溢出错误.获得桌子的最佳做法是什么?

I'm importing data from Oracle to SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. I think the datetime fields in Oracle are stored to a higher precision than SQL Server 2005 "DATETIME" fields will allow, causing overflow errors. What's the best practice for getting the table in?


These tables have lots of datetime fields, and there are lots of tables, so it'd be awesome if there wasn't a ton of manual work for each field...

我已阅读 以及可以工作,但我必须为每个字段、每个表都这样做,而且我宁愿有一个通用的设置或过程......

I've read and that could work, but I'd have to do that for each field, for every table, and I'd rather have a universal setting or process...




Just flagging this as 'answered' since there appears to be no global setting.
