SSIS Excel 数据导入 - 行中的混合数据类型

2021-12-30 00:00:00 excel sql-server sqldatatypes ssis

我正在尝试使用 SSIS pkg 导入 excel 数据,但它正在更改数据类型并转换为其他带有十进制的格式.

I am trying to import excel data using SSIS pkg but it is changing data type and converting to some other format with decimal.


I pull data from a set range

示例:范围 A5:AB20

我的数据列 A5 (M)= 1.2

My data Column A5 (M)= 1.2

SSIS 导入类似 120000.001237

我是 SSIS 导入 A5 = 1.2

I was SSIS to import A5 = 1.2


I tried this but am failing...

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersABCDPrograms.xlsx;Extended Properties="EXCEL 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;IMEX=1";


Original Data is imported from some legacy system and I cannot make changes there.



您需要在 Excel 电子表格和数据库之间的数据流任务中使用派生列转换:

You need to use a Derived Column transformation in your dataflow task between the Excel spreadsheet and the database:

Excel 文件,我知道您说您的电子表格显示的是 1.2,但我看不到单元格中的内容,因此看起来较大的值确实是单元格中的内容:

Excel file, I know you say your spreadsheet is showing 1.2 but I can't see what's in the cell, so it does look like the larger value is what is held in the cell:

派生转换任务,将值(除以 100000)四舍五入到小数点后一位,替换列值:

Derived transformation task, rounds the value (divided by 100000) to 1 decimal place, replacing the column value:

结果数据库条目,此列的数据类型设置为 DECIMAL(8,1) 或您需要的任何前面的数字):

Resulting database entry, this column's datatype is set to DECIMAL(8,1) or however many preceeding digits you need):

