MySQL 视图是否比普通查询更快?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 optimization mysql view

我有一个使用许多连接(实际上是 8 个)的复杂查询.我正在考虑将其简化为视图.经过一些研究,我可以看到简单性和安全性的好处.但我没有看到任何提及速度的内容.

I have a complex query using many joins (8 in fact). I was thinking of simplifying it into a view. After a little research I can see the benefits in simplicity and security. But I didn't see any mentions of speed.


Do views work like prepared statements, where the query is pre-compiled? Is there any notable performance gain from using views?



No, a view is simply a stored text query. You can apply WHERE and ORDER against it, the execution plan will be calculated with those clauses taken into consideration.
