
2021-12-28 00:00:00 sql hive mysql

我有一个表格,其中每个 ID 重复 3 次.每行的每个 id 前面都有一个日期.
我想为日期最新的每个 ID 选择整行.此表中共有 370 列,我希望在选择该行时选择所有列.

I have a table where each ID is repeated 3 times. there is a date in front of each id in each row.
I want to select entire row for each ID where date is latest. There are total 370 columns in this table i want all columns to get selected when i select that row.

样品 -

ID   Name    Date        Marks    ..    ..  ..   
1     XY     4/3/2017     27
1     fv     4/3/2014     98
1     jk     4/3/2016     09
2     RF     4/12/2015    87
2     kk     4/3/2009     56
2     PP     4/3/2011     76
3     ee     4/3/2001     12
3     ppp    4/3/2003     09
3     lll    4/3/2011     23


ID   Name    Date        Marks    ..    ..  ..   
1     XY     4/3/2017     27      
2     RF     4/12/2015    87
3     lll    4/3/2011     23  

我正在尝试如下 -

select distinct ID,*,max(date) as maxdate from table

我也在 Hive 中尝试这个.所以不确定某些 sql 函数是否在 Hive 中不起作用

Also i am trying this in Hive . so not sure if some sql functions dont work in Hive



这个问题以前有人问过.请参阅这个 问题.

This question has been asked before. Please see this question.


Using the accepted answer and adapting it to your problem you get:

FROM myTable tt
    (SELECT ID, MAX(Date) AS MaxDateTime
    FROM myTable
    GROUP BY ID) groupedtt 
ON tt.ID = groupedtt.ID 
AND tt.Date = groupedtt.MaxDateTime
