在 Oracle 中制作一行的 sha1-hash

2021-12-27 00:00:00 hash sha1 oracle

我在 Oracle 数据库上的选择中创建行的 sha1-hash 时遇到问题.我在 MSSQL 中做了如下:

I'm having a problem with making a sha1-hash of a row in a select on an Oracle database. I've done it in MSSQL as follows:

SELECT *,HASHBYTES('SHA1',CAST(ID as varchar(10)+
  TextEntry1+TextEntry2+CAST(Timestamp as varchar(10)) as Hash
FROM dbo.ExampleTable
WHERE ID = [foo]

但是,我似乎找不到在使用 Oracle 时使用的类似函数.就我的谷歌搜索给我带来的,我猜 dbms_crypto.hash_sh1 与它有关,但我还没有能够将我的大脑围绕它......

However, I can't seem to find a similar function to use when working with Oracle. As far as my googling has brought me, I'm guessing dbms_crypto.hash_sh1 has something to do with it, but I haven't been able to wrap my brain around it yet...



DBMS_CRYPTO 是生成哈希的正确包.默认情况下,它不会授予 PUBLIC,您必须专门授予它 (GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_CRYPTO TO user1).

The package DBMS_CRYPTO is the correct package to generate hashes. It is not granted to PUBLIC by default, you will have to grant it specifically (GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_CRYPTO TO user1).

这个函数的结果是数据类型RAW.您可以将其存储在 RAW 列中或使用 RAWTOHEXUTL_ENCODE.BASE64_ENCODE 函数将其转换为 VARCHAR2.

The result of this function is of datatype RAW. You can store it in a RAW column or convert it to VARCHAR2 using the RAWTOHEX or UTL_ENCODE.BASE64_ENCODE functions.

HASH 函数被重载以接受三种数据类型作为输入:RAWCLOBBLOB.由于隐式转换规则,如果您使用 VARCHAR2 作为输入,Oracle 将尝试将其转换为 RAW 并且很可能会失败,因为此转换仅适用于十六进制字符串.

The HASH function is overloaded to accept three datatypes as input: RAW, CLOB and BLOB. Due to the rules of implicit conversion, if you use a VARCHAR2 as input, Oracle will try to convert it to RAW and will most likely fail since this conversion only works with hexadecimal strings.


If you use VARCHAR2 then, you need to convert the input to a binary datatype or a CLOB, for instance :

   x RAW(20);
   SELECT sys.dbms_crypto.hash(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(col1||col2||to_char(col3)), 
     INTO x 
     FROM t;

您可以在 DBMS_CRYPTO 的文档中找到更多信息.哈希
