如何使用 group by 子句选择随机行?

2021-12-27 00:00:00 random sql group-by mysql



我试图做的是选择三个随机图像,但要确保没有两个图像具有相同的对象,我试图做的是做一个 GROUP BY 和一个 ORDER BY rand() 但那失败,因为它总是给我 cat1.jpg、dog1.jpg、box1.jpg(路径以 1 结尾的所有图像,而不是其他图像)

What I'm attempting to do is to select three random images but to make sure that no two images have the same object, what I attempted to do is to do a GROUP BY along with an ORDER BY rand() but that is failing as it is always giving me cat1.jpg, dog1.jpg, box1.jpg (All images whose path ends with 1 and not the others)


The fiddle includes the query I ran and how it is not working.


你需要的是一个 Random 聚合函数.目前的关系型数据库中通常没有这样的功能.

What you need is a Random aggregate function. Usually there are no such functions in the current RDBMSs.



So the basic idea is shuffle the elements, then group by, and then for every group just select the first row for every group. If we modify one of answers provided on the link we get this.

select object_id, name, image_path
  (SELECT images.image_path AS image_path, objects.id AS object_id, objects.name
  FROM objects LEFT JOIN images ON images.object_id = objects.id
  ORDER BY RAND()) as z
group by z.object_id, z.name
