
2021-12-26 00:00:00 sql group-by tsql sql-server

我想在 SQL 中创建一个数据查询,以递增地编号行组,在公共日期时间分组,并在下一个日期时间保持组号"递增,依此类推.正如我在使用 partition by 语句时所看到的那样,这些组号"不得为每个组重置.这是我的示例数据:

I would like create a data query in SQL to incrementally number groups of rows, grouped on a common datetime and keep the "group numbers" incrementing on the next datetime and so on. These "group numbers" must not reset for each group as I have seen when using the partition by statement. Here is my sample data:

ts_DateTime          |ID   |Value|RowFilter|RequiredResult
2013/01/09 09:23:16  |8009 |0    |1        |1
2013/01/09 09:23:16  |8010 |0    |2        |1
2013/01/09 09:23:16  |8026 |0    |3        |1

2013/01/09 09:23:22  |8026 |0    |1        |2

2013/01/09 09:23:28  |8009 |0    |1        |3
2013/01/09 09:23:28  |8010 |0    |2        |3
2013/01/09 09:23:28  |8026 |0    |3        |3

2013/01/09 09:27:03  |8009 |0    |1        |4
2013/01/09 09:27:03  |8010 |0    |2        |4
2013/01/09 09:27:03  |8026 |0    |3        |4

2013/01/09 09:27:09  |8009 |0    |1        |5
2013/01/09 09:27:09  |8010 |0    |2        |5
2013/01/09 09:27:09  |8026 |0    |3        |5

2013/01/09 09:27:15  |8009 |0    |1        |6
2013/01/09 09:27:15  |8010 |0    |2        |6
2013/01/09 09:27:15  |8026 |0    |3        |6


The query I am using to get these results is :

select hl.ts_DateTime,  hl.Tagname as [ID],  hl.TagValue as [Value],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY hl.ts_datetime ORDER BY hl.tagname) AS RowFilter
from Table1 hl

所以基本上,查看 RowFilter 列,我得到每个 ts_DateTime 分区的唯一 ROW 编号.我真正需要的是,对于每个 ts_DateTime 分区,RowFilter 列应该看起来像所需的结果列.

So basically, looking at the RowFilter column, I am getting a unique ROW number per ts_DateTime partition. What I actually need is that for each ts_DateTime partition the RowFilter column should look like the Required result column.


你不应该使用 ROW_NUMBER(),

  • 改用DENSE_RANK()


SELECT hl.ts_DateTime,  
       hl.Tagname as [ID],  
       hl.TagValue as [Value],
       DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ts_datetime) AS RowFilter
FROM   Table1 hl 
ORDER  BY RowFilter

  • SQLFiddle 演示
