一对多 MySQL

MySQL 关系

我正在尝试使用外键在 MySQL 中创建一对多关系.

I am trying to create a one to many relationship in MySQL with foreign keys.


Two tables, user and location. Each user can have many locations, but each location can have only one user.

我该如何配置?如果有帮助,我正在使用 HeidiSQL,不过我也可以输入代码.

How do I configure this? I am using HeidiSQL if that helps, though I can input code as well.


MySQL 不知道,也不需要知道关系是 1-1 还是 1-many.
没有 SQL 支持多对多关系,都需要一个中间表,将多对多关系拆分为 2 个单独的 1 对多.

MySQL does not know, nor does it need to know if a relationship is 1-1, or 1-many.
No SQL supports many-many relationships, all require a intermediate table which splits a many-many relationship into 2 separate 1-many.

通过让表共享相同的主键 (PK) 来维护 1-1 关系.
辅助表将 PK 声明为指向其他表 PK 的外键.

The difference is in the logic that controls the relationships, which is in the code that you write.
A 1-1 relationship is maintained by having the tables share the same primary key (PK).
With the secondary table declaring that PK as a foreign key pointing to the other tables PK.

Table chinese_mother (
id integer primary key,

Table chinese_child (
id integer primary key,
name ....
foreign key (id) references chinese_mother.id

关系的方向1 ->many vs many <- 1 由链接字段的位置决定.

The direction of the relationship 1 -> many vs many <- 1 is determined by the location of the link field.

包含链接字段的表是关系的many 侧,另一个表在1 侧.

Usually every table has a unique id and the link field is called tablename_id.
The table that has the link field in it is the many side of the relationship, the other table is on the 1 side.


Each user can have many locations, but each location can have only one user.

Table user
id: primary key

Table location
id: primary key
user_id foreign key references (user.id)

通过将链接字段放在 location 表中,您可以强制要求一个位置只能有 1 个用户.但是,一个用户可以拥有多个位置.

By placing the link field in the location table, you force things so that a location can only have 1 user. However a user can have many locations.
