SELECT 查询是否总是以相同的顺序返回行?带有聚集索引的表

2021-12-26 00:00:00 sql database sql-server database-design

我的 select * 查询是否总是以相同的顺序返回我的数据库表中的行?

Will my select * query always return the rows from my database table in the same order?


My table has a 'clustered index' on one column. Does that change the answer?


返回的行的顺序将不始终相同,除非您使用 ORDER BY 子句.所以,没有.

The order of the returned rows will not always be the same unless you explicitly state so with the ORDER BY clause. So, no.

没有;仅仅因为您的 1000 个查询返回了相同的顺序,它不能保证第 1001 个查询的顺序相同.

And no; just because your 1000 queries have returned the same order it's no guarantee the 1001th query will be in the same order.
