
2021-12-26 00:00:00 transactions mysql pdo data-transfer


I'm reading very detailed tutorials on how to use transactions with database types and database engines, but I haven't found a guide that teaches me when and why I should use them.


I know transactions are usually used for banking, so when we work with money data, but I can imagine they are used in many other ways.

今天,我正在处理一个包含用于关系数据库的各种 INSERT 语句的页面,我想知道这是否是我应该使用它们的情况之一.

Today I'm working on a page with various INSERT statements for a relational database, and I wanted to know if this is one of the cases when I should use them.


I get an impression that I don't know the cases when the data can be partially lost (apart from coder errors) so I'm always worried about when I should use them.


Can someone explain or give some link with these fundamental rules?

我正在使用 MySQL 5.0.8.我应该对所有需要事务的表使用 InnoDB 吗?如果是,InnoDB 是否比常见的 MyISAM 慢,但我不应该担心?

I'm using MySQL 5.0.8. Should I use InnoDB for all tables that need transactions? If yes, is InnoDB slower than the common MyISAM but I shouldn't worry about that?




Basically any time you have a unit of work that is either sensitive to outside changes or needs the ability to rollback every change, if an error occurs or some other reason.

