Laravel 5.3:语法错误或访问冲突:1463 HAVING 子句中使用了非分组字段“距离"

2021-12-26 00:00:00 mysql laravel eloquent

将整个源代码移至 5.3 版本后出现此错误,我现在挠头两个多小时了.

This error came up after moving the whole source to the 5.3 version, and I'm scratching my head for over two hours now.


So I have this kind of eloquent query:

POI::select('*', DB::raw("SQRT( POW((x - {$this->x}),2) + POW((y - {$this->y}),2) ) AS distance"))
        ->where('status', Config::get('app.poi_state.enabled'))
        ->whereNotIn('id', $excludePOIList)
        ->having('distance', '<=', $distance)


It worked find before upgrade now it throws:

语法错误或访问冲突:1463 非分组字段距离"用于 HAVING 子句 (SQL: select *, SQRT( POW((x - 860.0000),2) + POW((y - 105.0000),2) ) AS distance from poi where status = 1 and id not in (1) have distance <= 6 order by distance asc)

Syntax error or access violation: 1463 Non-grouping field 'distance' is used in HAVING clause (SQL: select *, SQRT( POW((x - 860.0000),2) + POW((y - 105.0000),2) ) AS distance from poi where status = 1 and id not in (1) having distance <= 6 order by distance asc)

我想检查我的服务器上是否启用了 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY 模式,但它不是...

I wanted to check if the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode is enabled on my server, but it isn't...



同样的查询在 MySQL 工作台中运行良好.怎么回事?

The same query works fine in MySQL workbench. What's going on?



Check in the config/database.php file in the mysql conection that the strict is false:

'strict' => false,

