为什么在 Laravel 5.8 中创建外键失败?

2021-12-26 00:00:00 mysql laravel eloquent

下面的迁移脚本在旧版本的 Laravel 中运行流畅,但我将它添加到我的新 Laravel 5.8 中并运行了脚本.我收到错误:外键未正确形成

The migration script below was running smoothly in an older version of Laravel but I added it to my fresh Laravel 5.8 and ran the script. I'm getting Error: foreign key was not formed correctly


public function up() { 
    Schema::create('evaluation', function (Blueprint $table) { 


public function up() { 
    Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) { 



As we discussed in the comments above, a foreign key column must be the same data type as the primary key it references.

您将您的 user.id 主键声明为 $table->bigIncrements('id'),它变成了 BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENTMySQL 语法.

You declared your user.id primary key as $table->bigIncrements('id') which becomes BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT in MySQL syntax.

您必须将外键声明为 $table->unsignedBigInteger('user_id') 这将在 MySQL 中变为 BIGINT UNSIGNED,使其与作为外键兼容user.id 列的键.

You must declare the foreign key as $table->unsignedBigInteger('user_id') which will become BIGINT UNSIGNED in MySQL, making it compatible with being a foreign key to the user.id column.
