
2021-12-26 00:00:00 mysql laravel eloquent

我有 2 个具有外键关系的表.情况是我有一个 case 和一个 case 有很多 revision 并且每个 revision 都有自己的 状态.如果仅更改外键表状态的特定行,我想获取父表数据和子数据

I have 2 tables with foreign key relationship. Situation is I have a case and a case have many revisions and every revision have its own status. I want to get parent table data and child data if only specific row of foreign key table status is changed


id      case_no    patient_name  age
1       12564        abc         78
2       1256         lkj         63
3       125          bdhf        23


    id      case_id    revison         status
    1         1           0           assesemnt
    2         1           1           assesment
    3         1           2           treatment
    4         2           2           assesment
    5         3           1           assesment

我想要的是来自 CaseCase Revisions 表的所有数据,其中状态为 treatment

What I want is all data all data from Case and Case Revisions table where status is treatment


$data['treatment_setup_cases'] = MedicalPrimaryCases::with('primaryCaseNo')
            ->where('impression_type', 1)
            ->where('status', 'treatment-setup')

 public function primaryCaseNo()
        return $this->belongsTo(PrimaryCaseNo::class, 'primary_medical_case_id');



$the_data_you_want = Case::join('case_revisions', 'case.id', '=', 'case_revisions.case_id')
    ->where('status', 'treatment')

PrimaryCaseNoimpression_type 在问题的解释中没有提到,所以我忽略了它们,如果需要,你可以改变它.

PrimaryCaseNo and impression_type were not mentioned in the explanation of the question so I ignored them, you can change this if necessary.

