使用 CSV 文件中的值更新 Oracle 表

2021-12-24 00:00:00 csv sql import oracle plsql

我有一个包含 ID 和其他几个列的 CSV 文件.我在 oracle 中也有一个表,其中 ID 标识了一行.我怎样才能最好地用 CSV 文件中的值替换表中的值,同时保持其他列的原样?

I have a CSV file which contains an ID and several other columns. I also have a table in oracle where the ID identifies a row. How can I best replace the values that are in the table with the values in the CSV file while keeping the other columns the way they were before?

这必须使用 oracle 本身可用的工具(即 PL/SQL 或 SQL 脚本)来完成,我不能使用真正的"脚本语言(Python,...)或真正的"程序.

This has to be done with tools available in oracle itself (i.e. PL/SQL or SQL scripts), I can not use a "real" scripting language (Python, ...) or a "real" program.



查看 Oracle 文档中的 EXTERNAL TABLES.您可以将 csv 文件复制到 Oracle 服务器机器上,并让 Oracle 将其显示为普通"表,您可以在该表上运行查询.

Look at EXTERNAL TABLES in the Oracle doc. You can copy the csv file onto the Oracle server box and get Oracle to present it as a "normal" table on which you can run queries.


Then the problem just becomes one of copying data from one table to another.


External tables are really very useful for handling data loads like this.
