
2021-12-24 00:00:00 oracle stored-procedures plsql


How can we define output parameter size in stored procedure?


你不能.当然,您可以控制将多少数据放入存储过程的 OUT 参数中.如果需要,您可以创建一个大小合适的局部变量来保存数据,然后将该变量的值分配给 OUT 参数.

You can't. Of course, you are in control of how much data you put into the OUT parameter in the stored procedure. If you want you can create a sized local variable to hold the data and then assign the value of that variable to the OUT parameter.

调用程序确定接收 OUT 参数的变量的大小.

The calling program determines the size of the variable that receives the OUT parameter.
