Django 中间件错误 - 为 1.7 更改了中间件

2022-01-25 00:00:00 python django django-admin


每当我使用我的 django 项目运行本地服务器时,我都会收到一条警告和一条错误消息,指出在 Django 1.7 中全局中间件类已更改——即使我使用的是 1.8.我的博客,位于,加载正常,但是当我尝试加载我在/admin/'WSGIRequest' 对象处得到 AttributeError 的管理站点没有属性 'user',据我所知,这与中间件有关.提前感谢您的帮助

Whenever I run my local server with my django project I am getting a warning and an error message saying that in Django 1.7 the global middleware classes were changed - even though I am using 1.8. My blog, at, loads fine, but when I try to load the admin site I get AttributeError at /admin/ 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user', which as far as I can tell is to do with the Middleware. Thanks for your help in advance




?: (1_7.W001) Middleware_Classes is not set.
    Hint: Django 1.7 changed the global defaults for the middleware_classes. django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware, django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware, and django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware, were removed from the defaults. If your project needs this middleware then you should configure this middleware.


MIDDLEWARE 设置是在 Django 1.10 中引入的.如果您使用的是 Django 1.9 或更早版本,它将无效,您应该改用 MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES 设置.

The MIDDLEWARE setting was introduced in Django 1.10. If you are using Django 1.9 or earlier it will have no effect, and you should be using the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting instead.

确保您使用的是正确版本的文档(例如 Django 1.8,Django 1.11),以便您遵循正确的说明.

Make sure you are using the correct version of the docs (e.g. Django 1.8, Django 1.11), so that you follow the correct instructions.
