Oracle PL/SQL 很好的参考

2021-12-24 00:00:00 sql oracle plsql

Oracle PL/SQL 的最佳参考资料是什么?我对 SQL-92 和 MS-SQL 扩展有很好的了解,但现在我正在使用 Oracle,我正在努力寻找 PL/SQL 语言的良好参考.

What are the best references for Oracle PL/SQL? I have an excellent knowlege of SQL-92 and of MS-SQL extensions, but now I'm working with Oracle and I'm struggling to find good references for the PL/SQL language.


I am looking for references for the following:

  • 变量
  • 循环
  • 光标
  • 套餐
  • 触发
  • 存储过程
  • 临时表



正如 Klaus 所说,在线文档非常好.从2 天应用程序开发人员指南开始.如果您使用的是 11gR2,您需要阅读最新版本的 PL/SQL 语言参考.较新的 Oracle 版本具有文档的更新版本.

As Klaus says the online documentation is pretty good. Start with the 2-Day Application Developer's Guide. If you're using 11gR2, you'll want to read the most recent version of the PL/SQL Language Reference. Newer Oracle releases have updated versions of the documents.

但是如果你想买一本书,那么 Steven Feuerstein 的 Oracle PL/SQL Programminga> 是那个.

But if you want to buy a book, then Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming is the one.
