如何在 SQLPlus 或 PL/SQL 中创建菜单

2021-12-24 00:00:00 oracle plsql sqlplus

我有几个脚本,我想从提供给 SQLPlus 用户的菜单开始.类似于:


I have several scripts that I would like to start from a menu presented to the SQLPlus user. Something like:

Please make a selection:
1: Do script a
2: Do script b
3: Do script c


I just need a point in the right direction, not a quick answer.


这是一个 SQL Plus 脚本:

Here is a SQL Plus script to do that:

prompt Please make a selection:
prompt 1: Do script a
prompt 2: Do script b
prompt 3: Do script c

accept selection prompt "Enter option 1-3: "

set term off

column script new_value v_script

select case '&selection.'
       when '1' then 'script_a'
       when '2' then 'script_b'
       when '3' then 'script_c'
       else 'menu'
       end as script
from dual;

set term on


注意 case 表达式的 ELSE 部分中的菜单"是此脚本的名称,以便在用户输入无效选项时它会再次运行.

NB The 'menu' in the ELSE part of the case expression is the name of this script, so that it runs itself again when the user enters an invalid option.
