Django Admin 应用程序还是我自己的?

2022-01-25 00:00:00 python django django-admin


我刚刚开始将 Django 用于个人项目.

I'm just starting to use Django for a personal project.

使用内置管理应用程序与将我的管理功能集成到应用程序本身(通过检查 request.user.is_staff)有什么优缺点?

What are the pros and cons of using the built-in Admin application versus integrating my administrative functions into the app itself (by checking request.user.is_staff)?

这是一个社区 wiki,因为它可以被视为投票.

This is a community wiki because it could be considered a poll.



It really depends on the project I guess. While you can do everything in the admin, when your app gets more complex using the admin gets more complex too. And if you want to make your app really easy to manage you want control over every little detail, which is not really possible with the admin app.


I guess you should see it like this:

使用 django admin:节省编写时间,浪费时间使用它.

Using django admin: save time writing it, lose time using it.
Rolling your own admin: lose time writing it, save time using it.
