使用带有 TLS 的请求不会提供 SNI 支持
我正在使用请求与 django 应用程序进行通信,但是
I'm using requests to communicate with a django app but
requests.get('https://mysite.com', verify=True)
hostname 'mysite.com' doesn't match either of '*.myhost.com', 'myhost.com'
但是,当我查看浏览器时,或 http://www.digicert.com/help/ 证书看起来不错,花花公子.
However, when I look at the browser, or http://www.digicert.com/help/ the certificate looks fine and dandy.
我的主人认为这是由于请求缺乏 SNI 支持(Github 似乎证实了 https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/749).有没有人找到使用请求的解决方法?
My host suggested it was the lack of SNI support from requests (and Github seems to confirm that https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/749 ). Has anyone found a work-around using requests?
当前版本的 Requests 应该可以使用 SNI.再往下看 GitHub issue 你可以看到要求:
The current version of Requests should be just fine with SNI. Further down the GitHub issue you can see the requirements:
- pyOpenSSL
- ndg-httpsclient
- pyasn1
Try installing those packages and then give it another shot.
编辑:从 Requests v2.12.1 开始,不再需要 ndg-httpsclient 和 pyasn1.所需软件包的完整列表现在是:
EDIT: As of Requests v2.12.1, ndg-httpsclient and pyasn1 are no longer required. The full list of required packages is now:
- pyOpenSSL
- idna