在 Rails4 中将我的数据库从 sqlite3 切换到 mysql 时出现 strftime 错误
最近我将我的数据库从 sqlite3 更改为 mysql.当我运行我的项目时,我在使用此查询的文件之一中收到此错误.
Recently i changed my database from sqlite3 to mysql.When i ran my project i am getting this error in one of the file which is using this query.
日期 = 日期.今天 + 1
date = Date.today + 1
@employees = Employee.where("status = ? AND strftime('%d/%m', date_of_birth) = ?", "Active" , date.strftime('%d/%m')
@employees = Employee.where("status = ? AND strftime('%d/%m', date_of_birth) = ?", "Active" , date.strftime('%d/%m')
ActionView::Template::Error (Mysql2::Error: FUNCTION hrms_development.strftime does not exist: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `employees` WHERE (status = 'Active' AND strftime('%d/%m', date_of_birth) = '28/03')):
211: <% date = Date.today %>
212: <% @employees = Employee.where("status = ? AND strftime('%d/%m', date_of_birth) = ?", "Active" , date.strftime('%d/%m')) %>
213: <% if @employees.empty? %>
215: <%else%>
216: <% @employees.each do |e| %>
app/views/home/_group_admin.html.erb:213:in `_app_views_home__group_admin_html_erb___2522183600721478262_91627100'
app/views/home/index.html.erb:17:in `_app_views_home_index_html_erb__2772204906267359422_86967120'
ActionView::Template::Error: Mysql2::Error: FUNCTION hrms_development.strftime does not exist: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `employees` WHERE (status = 'Active' AND strftime('%d/%m', date_of_birth) = '28/03')
Try this with simply replace,
<% @employees = Employee.where("status = ? AND strftime('%d/%m', date_of_birth) = ?", "Active" , date.strftime('%d/%m')) %>
<% @employees = Employee.where("status = ? AND DATE_FORMAT(date_of_birth,'%d/%m') = ?", "Active" , date.strftime('%d/%m')) %>