如何在 MYSQL 中重置停用词?

我想重置 mysql 中的停用词列表以进行全文搜索.我已经在我的系统中安装了 WAMP 服务器,它有 phpmyadmin 来访问 mysql.但我不知道如何在 phpmyadmin 中重置停用词.谁能告诉我怎么做.

I want to reset stop word list in mysql for FULLTEXT search. I have installed WAMP Server in my system which have phpmyadmin to access mysql. But I dont know how to reset stop word in phpmyadmin. Can anyone please tell me how to do that.

我也http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_ft_stopword_file 阅读此链接,但不知道如何使用它???

I also http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_ft_stopword_file read this link but don't know ho wto use this ???


我假设您正在使用 WampServer.


Click the tray icon, select MySQL, then click my.ini. The configuration file will open in notepad. Go to the end of the file and add this line (after the port line):



to disable stop words. If you want to use custom stop-word file, replace that line with:



(set the path of the stopword file, of course).

设置该行后,保存配置文件(文件 -> 保存).然后点击托盘图标,选择MySQL,然后选择Service,然后点击Restart Service.

After setting that line, save the configuration file (File -> Save). Then click the tray icon, select MySQL, then Service, then click Restart Service.

为了确保您的配置正确完成,在浏览器中打开phpMyAdmin,点击顶部的Variables标签,然后找到ft stopword file 并查看为其设置的值.

To Ensure that your configuration is done correctly, open phpMyAdmin in the browser, click on the Variables tab at the top, then find ft stopword file and see the values that is set to it.
