CakePHP - 获取上次运行的查询

2021-12-19 00:00:00 logging mysql cakephp

我想获取 CakePHP 运行的最后一个查询.我无法在 core.php 中打开调试,也无法在本地运行代码.我需要一种方法来获取最后一个 sql 查询并将其记录到错误日志中而不影响实时站点.此查询失败,但正在运行.

I want to get the last query CakePHP ran. I can't turn debug on in core.php and I can't run the code locally. I need a way to get the last sql query and log it to the error log without effecting the live site. This query is failing but is being run.





对于 Cake 2.0,查询日志是受保护的,所以这会起作用

For Cake 2.0, the query log is protected so this will work

function getLastQuery() {
  $dbo = $this->getDatasource();
  $logs = $dbo->getLog();
  $lastLog = end($logs['log']);
  return $lastLog['query'];
