(+) 在 Oracle SQL 中有什么作用?

2021-12-17 00:00:00 join sql oracle

我正在使用 Oracle SQL Developer 来查询 Oracle DB(不确定它是哪个版本),我将使用我为 Crystal 报表制作的 SQL.以前的开发人员编写的许多报告都没有使用 JOIN 关键字进行连接(因此我对 JOIN 关键字不太熟悉).

I'm using Oracle SQL Developer to query an Oracle DB (not sure which version it is) and I'm going to use the SQL I make for a Crystal report. Many of the reports the previous developers have written don't use JOIN keywords to make the joins (and I'm not too familiar with JOIN keywords as a result).

他们所做的许多连接都是在 WHERE 语句中进行的.我会注意到这样的事情.

Many of the joins they make are made in the WHERE statement. I'll notice something like this.

Select * From TableA, TableB WHERE TableA.PrimaryKey(+) = TableB.ForeignKey

我的问题是关于 (+).它的用途是什么,我如何在我的代码中使用它?

My question is concerning the (+). What purpose does it serve and how do I use it in my code?



It is not recommended. See this previous answer

Oracle 的加号 (+) 表示法和 ansi JOIN 的区别符号?
