在 SQL 中连接多个表

2021-12-17 00:00:00 join sql sql-server


Can sombody Explains me about joins?

内连接根据 where 条件选择常用数据.

Inner join selects common data based on where condition.


Left outer join selects all data from left irrespective of common but takes common data from right table and vice versa for Right outer.

我知道基础知识,但在加入超过 5、8、10 个表时问题仍然存在.

I know the basics but question stays when it comes to join for than 5, 8, 10 tables.

假设我有 10 个表要加入.如果我对前 5 个表进行内连接,现在尝试对第 6 个表应用左连接,那么查询将如何工作?

Suppose I have 10 tables to join. If I have inner join with the first 5 tables and now try to apply a left join with the 6th table, now how the query will work?


I mean to say now the result set of first 5 tables will be taken as left table and the 6th one will be considerded as Right table? Or only Fifth table will be considered as left and 6th as right? Please help me regarding this.



When joining multiple tables the output of each join logically forms a virtual table that goes into the next join.

因此,在您问题的示例中,加入前 5 个表的复合结果将被视为左侧表.

So in the example in your question the composite result of joining the first 5 tables would be treated as the left hand table.

查看 Itzik Ben-Gan 的逻辑查询处理海报了解更多信息对这个.

See Itzik Ben-Gan's Logical Query Processing Poster for more about this.

连接中涉及的虚拟表可以通过定位ON 子句来控制.例如

The virtual tables involved in the joins can be controlled by positioning the ON clause. For example

       INNER JOIN T2
         ON T2.C = T1.C
       INNER JOIN T3
                  LEFT JOIN T4
                    ON T4.C = T3.C
         ON T3.C = T2.C 

等价于(T1 Inner Join T2) Inner Join (T3 Left Join T4)
