Heroku 上的 Django 应用程序会在一段时间后删除对象

2021-12-16 00:00:00 python django heroku sqlite

我编写了一个简单的 Django 问答论坛应用程序并将其部署在 Heroku 上.该站点的本地版本运行良好.但是,生产版本不会存储超过几个小时的问题、答案等.

我决定坚持使用 Django 自带的 sqlite3.我不希望网站有很多流量,所以我决定现在保留开发数据库是值得的.


我已经在 Heroku 上的数据库设置页面尝试了一些解决方案,但到目前为止还没有取得任何成功.



Heroku 的文件系统是短暂的.您写入的任何内容都会在您的 dyno 重新启动时丢失,这种情况经常发生.由于 SQLite 将其数据存储在文件系统上的文件中,因此在 Heroku 上不是一个好的选择.

相反,请考虑使用 Heroku 支持的许多客户端-服务器数据存储之一.其 PostgreSQL 产品运行良好.

I've written a simple Django Q&A forum app and deployed it on Heroku. The local version of the site works fine. However, the production version does not store the questions, answers etc. for more than a few hours.

I decided to stick with sqlite3 that comes with Django. I don't expect a lot of traffic to the site so I decided it would be worth it to keep the development database for now.

site: http://immense-plateau-35286.herokuapp.com

I've tried a few solutions from the DB setup page on Heroku, but have not had any success so far.

Any idea what this might be?


Heroku's filesystem is ephemeral. Anything you write to it will be lost anytime your dyno restarts, which happens frequently. Since SQLite stores its data in a file on the filesystem it isn't a good choice on Heroku.

Instead, consider using one of the many client-server data stores that Heroku supports. Its PostgreSQL offering works reasonably well.
