在 SQL Server 2008 中使用 PIVOT

2021-12-13 00:00:00 pivot sql tsql sql-server-2008 sql-server

假设我有一些数据,无论是在 SQL Server 2008 表中还是在 [表] 类型的变量中:

author_id review_id question_id answer_id88540 99001 1 71988540 99001 2 72088540 99001 3 72188540 99001 4 72288540 99001 5 72336414 24336 1 30236414 24336 2 30336414 24336 3 30436414 24336 4 30536414 24336 5 306


author_id review_id 1 2 3 4 588540 99001 719 720 721 722 72336414 24336 302 303 304 305 306

我怀疑 PIVOT 运算符是我需要的(根据 thispost,无论如何),但我不知道如何开始,尤其是当表中 question_id 行的数量可能会有所不同时.在上面的示例中,它是 5,但在另一个查询中,该表可能填充有 7 个不同的问题.


实际上,您最好在客户端执行此操作.假设您正在使用 Reporting Services,根据您的第一个结果集获取数据并使用矩阵显示它,在行组中使用 author_id 和 review_id,在列组中使用 question_id,在中间使用 MAX(answer_id).

查询是可行的,但您现在需要动态 SQL.


DECLARE @QuestionList nvarchar(max);SELECT @QuestionList = STUFF((SELECT ', ' + 引用名(question_id)从你的表GROUP BY question_id按 question_id 排序FOR XML 路径('')), 1, 2, '');声明@qry nvarchar(max);SET @qry = 'SELECT author_id, review_id, ' + @QuestionList +FROM (SELECT author_id, review_id, question_id, answer_id从你的表)枢(MAX(AnswerID) FOR question_id IN (' + @QuestionList + ')) pvtORDER BY author_id, review_id;';exec sp_executesql @qry;

Let's say I have some data, either in a SQL Server 2008 table or a [table]-typed variable:

author_id     review_id     question_id     answer_id
88540         99001         1               719
88540         99001         2               720
88540         99001         3               721
88540         99001         4               722
88540         99001         5               723
36414         24336         1               302
36414         24336         2               303
36414         24336         3               304
36414         24336         4               305
36414         24336         5               306

I want to retrieve the data as a result set that looks like this:

author_id     review_id     1     2     3     4     5
88540         99001         719   720   721   722   723
36414         24336         302   303   304   305   306

I suspect the PIVOT operator is what I need (according to this post, anyway), but I can't figure out how to get started, especially when the number of question_id rows in the table can vary. In the above example, it's 5, but in another query the table might be populated with 7 distinct questions.


Actually, you'd be better off doing this in the client. Suppose you're using Reporting Services, get the data as per your first result set and display it using a Matrix, with author_id and review_id in the Row Group, question_id in the Column Group, and MAX(answer_id) in the middle.

A query is doable, but you'd need dynamic SQL right now.

...something like:

DECLARE @QuestionList nvarchar(max);
SELECT @QuestionList = STUFF(
(SELECT ', ' + quotename(question_id)
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY question_id
ORDER BY question_id
, 1, 2, '');

DECLARE @qry nvarchar(max);
SET @qry = '
SELECT author_id, review_id, ' + @QuestionList + 
FROM (SELECT author_id, review_id, question_id, answer_id
      FROM YourTable
(MAX(AnswerID) FOR question_id IN (' + @QuestionList + ')) pvt
ORDER BY author_id, review_id;';

exec sp_executesql @qry;
