我需要在存储过程的 select 语句中使用变量传递列名,但我不能使用动态查询

2021-12-13 00:00:00 sql database sql-server-2008 sql-server

下面是我的 SQL 查询.我想从作为变量给出的列名中选择值.除了使用动态查询之外,还有其他合适的方法吗?

Here is my SQL query below. I want to select values from the column names given as variables. Is there any appropriate way of doing this except using a dynamic query?

SELECT EPV.EmployeeCode, @RateOfEmployee, @RateOfEmployer
FROM [HR_EmployeeProvisions] EPV


你不能参数化 标识符,我怀疑它在任何其他关系数据库中是否可行.

You can't parameterize identifiers in Sql server, and I doubt it's possible in any other relational database.


Your best choice is to use dynamic Sql.

请注意,动态 sql 通常存在安全隐患,您必须保护您的代码免受sql 注入 攻击.

Note that dynamic sql is very often a security hazard and you must defend your code from sql injection attacks.


I would probably do something like this:

Declare @Sql nvarchar(500)
Declare numberOfColumns int;

select @numberOfColumns = count(1)
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'HR_EmployeeProvisions'
and column_name IN(@RateOfEmployee, @RateOfEmployer)

if @numberOfColumns = 2 begin

Select @Sql = 'SELECT EmployeeCode, '+ QUOTENAME(@RateOfEmployee) +' ,'+ QUOTENAME(@RateOfEmployer) +
'FROM HR_EmployeeProvisions'


通过这种方式,您可以确保表中确实存在列名,并使用 QUOTENAME 作为另一层安全.

This way you make sure that the column names actually exists in the table, as well as using QUOTENAME as another layer of safety.


Note: in your presentation layer you should handle the option that the select will not be performed since the column names are invalid.
