SQL Server 仅使用最近的值选择不同的行


I have a table that has the following columns

  • 身份证
  • 外键 ID
  • 属性名称
  • 属性值
  • 创建


Some of the data may look like this:

1, 1, 'EmailPreference', 'Text', 1/1/2010
2, 1, 'EmailPreference', 'Html', 1/3/2010
3, 1, 'EmailPreference', 'Text', 1/10/2010
4, 2, 'EmailPreference', 'Text', 1/2/2010
5, 2, 'EmailPreference', 'Html', 1/8/2010

我想运行一个查询,为每个不同的 ForeignKeyId 和 AttributeName 提取 AttributeValue 列的最新值,使用 Created 列来确定最新值.示例输出将是:

I'd like to run a query that pulls the most recent value of the AttributeValue column for each distinct ForeignKeyId andAttributeName, using the Created column to determine the most recent value. Example output would be:

ForeignKeyId AttributeName    AttributeValue Created
1           'EmailPreference' 'Text'         1/10/2010
2           'EmailPreference' 'Html'         1/8/2010

如何使用 SQL Server 2005 执行此操作?

How can I do this using SQL Server 2005?



select t1.* from (select ForeignKeyId,AttributeName, max(Created) AS MaxCreated
from  YourTable
group by ForeignKeyId,AttributeName) t2
join YourTable t1 on t2.ForeignKeyId = t1.ForeignKeyId
and t2.AttributeName = t1.AttributeName
and t2.MaxCreated = t1.Created

另见 包括聚合列的相关值,用于执行此类查询的 5 种不同方法

See also Including an Aggregated Column's Related Values for 5 different ways to do this kind of query
