如何限制 SQLite/MySQL 中的列值

2021-12-08 00:00:00 restriction mysql sqlite

我想限制 SQL 表中的列值.例如,列值只能是car"或bike"或van".我的问题是你如何在 SQL 中实现这一点,在数据库端这样做是个好主意还是应该让应用程序限制输入.

I would like to restrict a column value in a SQL table. For example, the column values can only be "car" or "bike" or "van". My question is how do you achieve this in SQL, and is it a good idea to do this on the DB side or should I let the application restrict the input.


I also have the intention to add or remove more values in the future, for example, "truck".

我使用的数据库类型是 SQLite 和 MySQL.

The type of Databases I am using are SQLite and MySQL.



Add a new table containing these means of transport, and make your column a foreign key to that table. New means of transport can be added to the table in future, and your column definition remains the same.


With this construction, I would definitively choose to regulate this at the DB level, rather than that of the application.
