sql server 函数中的 newid()

2021-12-07 00:00:00 function sql-server newid

我必须在查询结果中插入一个假列,它是表值函数的返回值.此列数据类型必须是唯一标识符.最好的方法(我认为...)是使用 newid() 函数.问题是,我不能在这种类型的函数中使用 newid() :

I have to insert a fake column at the result of a query, which is the return value of a table-value function. This column data type must be unique-identifier. The best way (I think...) is to use newid() function. The problem is, I can't use newid() inside this type of function:

Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'newid()' within a function.



here's a clever solution:

create view getNewID as select newid() as new_id

create function myfunction ()
returns uniqueidentifier
as begin
   return (select new_id from getNewID)


that i can't take credit for. i found it here: http://omnibuzz-sql.blogspot.com/2006/07/accessing-non-deterministic-functions.html

