在 Oracle 中不使用 FROM 子句进行选择

2021-12-06 00:00:00 sql oracle

在SQL Server中可以执行SELECT,而无需参考表;类似:

选择 1.2 +3, 'my dummy string'

由于Oracle 不允许没有FROM 的SELECT,因此我使用双表进行此类操作;类似:

从 DUAL 中选择 1,2+3, 'my dummy string'




使用 dual 表是一个好习惯.

dual 是一个内存表.如果您不从中选择 DUMMY,它将使用不需要 I/O 的特殊访问路径 (FAST DUAL).>

曾几何时,dual 有两条记录(因此得名),旨在作为虚拟记录集来复制被连接的记录.


SELECT 级别从双联系方式等级 <= 100

MySQL 还支持 dual(以及 fromless 语法).

in SQL Server is possible to execute a SELECT, without reference to a table; something like:

Select 1.2 +3, 'my dummy string'

As Oracle does not allow a SELECT without a FROM, I use the dual table for this type of operation; something like:

Select 1,2+3, 'my dummy string' FROM DUAL

There is a better way of doing this type of query? it is good practice to use the dual table?


No, in Oracle there is no SELECT without FROM.

Using the dual table is a good practice.

dual is an in-memory table. If you don't select DUMMY from it, it uses a special access path (FAST DUAL) which requires no I/O.

Once upon a time, dual had two records (hence the name) and was intended to serve as a dummy recordset to duplicate records being joined with.

Now it has but one record, but you can still generate an arbitrary number of rows with it:

SELECT  level
FROM    dual
        level <= 100

MySQL also supports dual (as well as the fromless syntax).
