如何在 SQL*Plus 中获取 Oracle 创建表语句

2021-12-06 00:00:00 sql oracle sqlplus

我有一个存在于 Oracle 数据库中的表,但没有显示在工具 SQL Developer 的表列表中.但是,如果我转到 SQL*Plus,然后执行

I have a table that exists in an Oracle database, but doesn't show on my list of tables in the tool SQL Developer. However, if I go to SQL*Plus, and do a

select table_name from user_tables;


I get the table listed. If I type

desc snp_clearinghouse;

它向我展示了字段.我想得到 create 语句,因为我需要添加一个字段.我可以修改表来添加字段,但我仍然需要将 create 语句放入我们的源代码管理中.什么pl/sql语句用于获取表的create语句?

it shows me the fields. I'd like to get the create statement, because I need to add a field. I can modify the table to add the field, but I still need the create statement to put into our source control. What pl/sql statement is used to get the create statement for a table?


来自 获取表和索引 DDL简单的方法:

set heading off;
set echo off;
Set pages 999;
set long 90000;

spool ddl_list.sql

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','DEPT','SCOTT') from dual;

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX','DEPT_IDX','SCOTT') from dual;

spool off;
