Oracle 11g - 使用 RegEx 检查约束

我正在使用 Oracle 11g,并尝试创建一个表,定义对创建的约束.

I'm using Oracle 11g, and trying to create a table define constraints on the creation.


I was trying to add check constraint to validate some information (like e-mail address, phone number, etc...)

Oracle 11g 中是否有允许我执行此类操作的内容?

Is there something in Oracle 11g that would allow me to do something like this?

constraint CK_CONSTRAINT_NAME check (EMAIL like 'REGEX')

我想使用的正则表达式(从 regexLib 中抓取)是:

The regEx I wanted to use (grabbed from regexLib) is:


我认为 Oracle 11g(如果我错了请纠正我)不支持 RegEx 的这种格式...

I think Oracle 11g (correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't support this format for RegEx...

我见过使用 REGEX_LIKE 的方法,但它似乎只适用于 WHERE 子句.

I've seen methods using REGEX_LIKE, but it seems to only work in WHERE clauses.


I'd like to keep it as a check constraint and not a trigger or an external function/script.

另外,我在这里读过其他主题,有人说 RegEx' 不是验证电子邮件地址格式和此类信息的好方法.评论中没有给出原因,如果有原因,我想知道为什么!

Also, I've read in other threads here, someone saying RegEx' are not a good way of verifying e-mail address format and such information. No reason was given in the comment, and I'd like to know why, if a reason there is!


检查约束遵循与 WHERE 子句的条件相同的语法规则:

A check constraint follows the same syntax rules as conditions for a WHERE clause:

alter table foo
  add constraint check_email 
  check (REGEXP_LIKE(email,'your_regex_goes_here','I')); 


More details in the manual:

  • 对于 Oracle 11 -
  • 对于 Oracle 12 -


There are however some restrictions on what you can actually use in a check constraint:

  • Oracle 11 -
  • Oracle 12 -
