
2021-12-06 00:00:00 sql oracle greatest-n-per-group
ID|  tag  |  version
1|  A  |  10
2|  A  |  20
3|  B  |  99
3|  C  |  30
3|  F  |  40


1 A 10
2 A 20
3 B 99

如何获取每个 ID 的最大版本以及该版本的相应标签?速度很重要(我有大约 28m 行),所以嵌套的 Select 不会这样做.此外,一个带有 max(version) 的简单 Group by ID 也不起作用,因为我还需要版本为 max 的相应标签.

How can I get the max version of every ID and the corresponding tag for that version? Speed is important (I have around 28m rows) so a nested Select won't do it. Also a simple Group by ID with a max(version) doesn't work because I also need the corresponding Tag where the version is max.



SELECT s.id,s.tag,s.version FROM (
    SELECT t.*,
           ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY t.id ORDER BY t.version DESC) as rnk
   FROM YourTable t) s
WHERE s.rnk = 1
