WampServer - mysqld.exe 无法启动,因为缺少 MSVCR120.dll

2021-12-05 00:00:00 windows-7 mysql wordpress wampserver vmware

我尝试在本地运行 wampserver,但 mysql 服务器没有运行.当我尝试安装服务时,它给了我错误.我搜索了一整天的答案,并在这里和那里找到了一些答案.

I've tried to run wampserver on my local side, but mysql server doesn't run. when I try to install service, it give me error. I searched the answer all day and found some answers on here and there.

但任何解决方案都不适用于我.我尝试在 windows7 家庭操作系统 vmware 上安装 warpserver

but any solution doesn't work for me. I tried to install warpserver on windows7 home OS vmware




I finally found solution to fix my problem. I've tried several ways to fix above problem and but nothing work for me.

如您所知,WampServer 使用一些可视化的 c++ 可再发行包来运行.它让用户混淆应该安装哪个版本(至少在我的情况下)

As you know, WampServer use some visual c++ redistributable packs to run. And it makes user confuse which version of it should be installed (at least in my case)

经过几个小时的努力修复后,我找到了很好的软件 - check_vcredist,它可以轻松指导 wampserver 安装.

After struggling few hours to fix it, I found good software - check_vcredist which guide wampserver installation easily.


在安装 WampServer 之前,如果您运行此软件,您将获得笔记本电脑上丢失的所有信息.请按照它的通知.那么WampServer就安装成功了.

Before you install WampServer, you'll get all information what you're missing on your laptop now if you run this software. Please follow it's notice. then WampServer will be installed successfully.

我希望这个回答能给正在偷时间安装 WampServer 的人一些帮助.

I hope this answer give some help to someone who is stealing his time to install WampServer.
