
2021-12-05 00:00:00 database replace mysql wordpress

我有一个字符串,它在 wordpress 安装(服务器的名称)中包含数千次,跨越多个列、记录和表.

I have a string that is contained inside of a wordpress install (the name of a server) thousands of times, across multiple columns, records and tables.

我想用另一台服务器的位置更新它 - 我们正在移动内容.

I'd like to update it with the location of another server - we are moving the content over.

所以源将类似于 http://my-server1/some/link/to/something,我想用 http://my-other-server/some/link/to/something.我基本上希望为 http://my-server1 的每个实例重复这个过程.

So the source would be something like http://my-server1/some/link/to/something, and I'd want to replace it with http://my-other-server/some/link/to/something. I'm essentially looking to repeat this process for every instance of http://my-server1.

在 MySQL 中有没有一种简单的方法可以做到这一点?一个工具?或者我很遗憾必须有问题地更新每条记录?

Is there an easy way to do this in MySQL? A tool? Or do I sadly have to update every record problematically?




A crude (but effective) way of doing it would be to dump the schema into a file, carefully apply the search-and-replace and then re-import.


As a matter of fact I did that today :)
