如何合并多个 SQLite 数据库?

2021-12-05 00:00:00 database sqlite

如果我有大量的 SQLite 数据库,它们都具有相同的架构,那么将它们合并在一起以便对所有数据库执行查询的最佳方法是什么?

If I have a large number of SQLite databases, all with the same schema, what is the best way to merge them together in order to perform a query on all databases?

我知道可以使用 ATTACH 来做到这一点,但它有 32 和 64 个数据库的限制,具体取决于机器上的内存系统.

I know it is possible to use ATTACH to do this but it has a limit of 32 and 64 databases depending on the memory system on the machine.


这将根据需要进行,一天可能进行多次.我认为它工作的方式是 http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/Attempting-to-merge-large-databases-td39548.html 将数据库合并到一个大数据库中,执行查询,然后删除大数据库.

This would be done on demand, possible several times a day. The way I would see it working is as in http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/Attempting-to-merge-large-databases-td39548.html where the databases are merged into a large DB, the query performed and then the large database deleted.
