如何将 .sql 或 .csv 文件导入 SQLite?

2021-12-05 00:00:00 import database sqlite sqlite-shell

我需要将 .sql 或 .csv 文件转储到 SQLite(我使用的是 SQLite3 API).我只找到了导入/加载表的文档,而不是整个数据库.现在,当我输入:

I need to dump a .sql or .csv file into SQLite (I'm using SQLite3 API). I've only found documentation for importing/loading tables, not entire databases. Right now, when I type:

sqlite3prompt> .import FILENAME TABLE 


I get a syntax error, since it's expecting a table and not an entire DB.


要从 SQL 文件导入,请使用以下命令:

To import from an SQL file use the following:

sqlite> .read <filename>

要从 CSV 文件导入,您需要指定文件类型和目标表:

To import from a CSV file you will need to specify the file type and destination table:

sqlite> .mode csv <table>
sqlite> .import <filename> <table>
