
2021-12-02 00:00:00 csv sql tsql sql-server-2008 sql-server

我希望为 SQL Server 2008 编写一个 SQL 语句,该语句选择列包含值的条目,现在列中的值是一个逗号分隔的列表(通常 - 只能有一个条目(并且没有前导逗号)) 那么 In 检查的是这个值是否包含在列表中的某个地方?",例如:

I wish to write an SQL statement for SQL Server 2008 that Selects entry's where a column contains a value, now the value within the column is a comma delimited list (usually - there could only be one entry (and no leading comma)) so what In checking for is "is this value contained somewhere within the list?", for instance:

COLUMN = Cat, Dog, Sparrow, Trout, Cow, Seahorse
Does COLUMN contain Cat? YES
Does COLUMN contain horse? NO
Does COLUMN contain Sheep? NO

COLUMN = Mouse
Does COLUMN contain Hare? NO
Does COLUMN contain Mouse? YES


I was thinking I could use the 'IN' keyword as such

SELECT id_column FROM table_name WHERE 'Cat' IN COLUMN


but this does not work as it seems that you can only use that to check if a column contains one of a series of comma delimited values.

我也不能使用 CONTAINS() 或 'LIKE' 作为这个,在上面的例子中将返回 'horse' 的值,因为整个字符串包含 'Seahorse' 中的 horse,并且我无法搜索针加上一个逗号(如果我正在寻找 'horse',则搜索将是 'horse'),如果条目位于列表的末尾会怎样?而且我无法搜索逗号加针(如果我正在寻找horse",则搜索将是,horse")如果条目是列表中的第一个呢?如果条目是唯一的(单个)条目,我不能同时使用两者?

I also cannot use CONTAINS() OR 'LIKE' as this, in the above example would return values for 'horse' as the whole string contains horse in 'Seahorse', and I can't search for the needle plus a comma (if I'm looking for 'horse' the search would be 'horse,') as what if the entry is at the end of a the list? And I can't search for a comma plus a needle (if I'm looking for 'horse' the search would be ',horse') as what if the entry is the first in the list? And I can't use both as what if the entry is the only (single) entry?


有一个棘手的场景.如果我在列表 '17,34,400,12' 中查找 '40' 那么它会找到 ",40" 并返回那个不正确的条目.这会处理所有解决方案:

There is one tricky scenario. If I am looking for '40' in the list '17,34,400,12' then it would find ",40" and return that incorrect entry. This takes care of all solutions:

WHERE (',' + RTRIM(MyColumn) + ',') LIKE '%,' + @search + ',%'
