
2021-12-01 00:00:00 join sql oracle outer-join

我正在检查一些旧的 SQL 语句,以便记录它们并可能增强它们.

I am checking some old SQL Statements for the purpose of documenting them and probably enhancing them.


The DBMS is Oracle


select ...
from a,b
where a.id=b.id(+)

我对 (+) 运算符感到困惑,并且无法在任何论坛上找到它...(在引号中搜索 + 也不起作用).

I am confused about the (+) operator, and could not get it at any forums... (searching for + within quotes didn't work either).

无论如何,我使用了 SQLDeveloper 的解释计划",我得到一个输出,说 HASH JOIN、RIGHT OUTER

Anyway, I used 'Explain Plan' of SQLDeveloper and I got an output saying that HASH JOIN, RIGHT OUTER, etc.

如果删除查询末尾的 (+) 操作符,会有什么不同吗?在(+) 使用之前,数据库是否必须满足某些条件(比如有一些索引等)??如果您能给我一个简单的理解,或者一些很好的链接,我可以在其中阅读相关内容,这将非常有帮助.

Would there be any difference if I remove the (+) operator at the end of the query? Does the database have to satisfy some condition (like having some indexes, etc.) before (+) can be used?? It would be greatly helpful if you can provide me a simple understanding, or some good links where I can read about this.



这是 Oracle 特定的 OUTER JOIN 表示法,因为 ANSI-89 格式(在 FROM 子句中使用逗号分隔表引用)没有标准化 OUTER加入.

That's Oracle specific notation for an OUTER JOIN, because the ANSI-89 format (using a comma in the FROM clause to separate table references) didn't standardize OUTER joins.

查询将以 ANSI-92 语法重写为:

The query would be re-written in ANSI-92 syntax as:

   SELECT ...
     FROM a
LEFT JOIN b ON b.id = a.id

这个链接还不错解释 JOIN 之间的区别.

还应该注意的是,即使 (+) 有效,Oracle 建议不要使用它:

It should also be noted that even though the (+) works, Oracle recommends not using it:

Oracle 建议您使用 FROM 子句 OUTER JOIN 语法而不是 Oracle 连接运算符.使用 Oracle 连接运算符 (+) 的外连接查询受以下规则和限制的约束,这些规则和限制不适用于 FROM 子句 OUTER JOIN语法:

Oracle recommends that you use the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax rather than the Oracle join operator. Outer join queries that use the Oracle join operator (+) are subject to the following rules and restrictions, which do not apply to the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax:
