
2022-01-24 00:00:00 python intervals range



I'm refactoring a function that, given a series of endpoints that implicitly define intervals, checks if a number is included in the interval, and then return a corresponding (not related in any computable way). The code that is now handling the work is:

if p <= 100:
    return 0
elif p > 100 and p <= 300:
    return 1
elif p > 300 and p <= 500:
    return 2
elif p > 500 and p <= 800:
    return 3
elif p > 800 and p <= 1000:
    return 4
elif p > 1000:
    return 5

这在 IMO 中非常可怕,并且缺少间隔和返回值都是硬编码的.当然可以使用任何数据结构.

Which is IMO quite horrible, and lacks in that both the intervals and the return values are hardcoded. Any use of any data structure is of course possible.


import bisect
bisect.bisect_left([100,300,500,800,1000], p)

