历史表的优点、缺点和问题 - 使用触发器、sproc 或在应用程序级别

2021-11-30 00:00:00 database sql-server triggers audit history


I am currently playing around with the idea of having history tables for some of my tables in my database. Basically I have the main table and a copy of that table with a modified date and an action column to store what action was preformed e.g., Update, Delete and Insert.


So far I can think of three different places that you can do the history table work.

  • 在主表上触发更新、插入和删除.(数据库)
  • 存储过程.(数据库)
  • 应用层.(申请)


My main question is; what are the pros, cons and gotchas of doing the work in each of these layers?


One advantage I can think of by using the triggers way is that integrity is always maintained no matter what is implemented on top of the database.



  • 存储过程:如果您直接修改表,它们将被绕过.数据库的安全性可以控制这一点
  • 申请:同样的交易.另外如果你有多个应用程序,可能是不同的语言,则需要在每个堆栈中实现,这有点多余;和
  • 触发器:对应用程序透明,并将捕获所有更改.这是我的首选方法.
  • Stored procs: they're bypassed if you modify the table directly. Security on the database can control this
  • Application: same deal. Also if you have multiple applications, possibly in different languages, it needs to be implemented in each stack, which is somewhat redundant; and
  • Triggers: transparent to the application and will capture all changes. This is my preferred method.
