For 循环仅执行 1 次,但范围为 5

2022-01-24 00:00:00 python python-3.x for-loop range



def input_scores():
scores = []
y = 1
for num in range(5):
    score = int(input(print('Please enter your score for test %d: ' %y)))

    while score < 0 or score > 100:
        print ('Error --- all test scores must be between 0 and 100 points')
        score = int(input('Please try again: '))
    y += 1
    return scores   


When I run it, the output is as follows:

Please enter your score for test 1: 

然后我将在无旁边输入测试分数,例如 95然后它会运行程序的其余部分,而不提示我将下一个测试分数添加到分数列表中.我真的很好奇为什么会这样

Then I'll enter the test score next to None, as, say 95 It then runs through the rest of the program without prompting me for the next test score to add to the scores list. I'm really curious why that is


Thanks in advance for taking the time to help



你的 return 语句缩进太多,导致函数在第一次迭代时返回.它需要在 for 块之外.此代码有效:

your return statement is indented too much, causing the function to return on the first iteration. It needs to be outside of the for block. This code works:

def input_scores():
    scores = []
    y = 1
    for num in range(5):
        score = int(input('Please enter your score for test %d: ' %y))
        while score < 0 or score > 100:
            print ('Error --- all test scores must be between 0 and 100 points')
            score = int(input('Please try again: '))
        y += 1
    return scores
