当我直接从 MySQL 获取时,NodeJS 响应 MySQL 时区不同

2021-11-20 00:00:00 node.js timezone mysql

当我直接请求 MySQL 时,我以 UTC 返回日期(我在 MySQL 服务器中设置了 UTC),但是使用 NodeJS 我得到 UTC+2 本地时区数据,为什么?如何设置 NodeJS 以获取 UTC?

When I request MySQL directly, I get back date in UTC (I set UTC in MySQL server), but with NodeJS I get UTC+2 local time zone data, why? How can I set NodeJS to get UTC?



I have added timezone in index.js when initializing mysql connection

var db_config = {
  host     : 'localhost',
  user     : 'xxx',
  password : '',
  database : 'xxx',
  timezone: 'utc'  //<-here this line was missing
