MySQL concat() 创建要在查询中使用的列名?

2021-11-20 00:00:00 concat mysql


I would like to concatenate column names in a way that the first part of the column name is a string and the second part is a number which is the result of another query.


SELECT CONCAT('column', mytable.mycolumn) FROM table ...


Can this be done in some way. This way it doesn't give me errors but I don't get the expected result and it seems the concatenation doesn't work.


我之前说过不能这样做,但我错了.我最终自己需要这样的东西,所以我环顾四周,发现 服务器端准备好的语句让您可以从字符串构建和执行任意 SQL 语句.

I previously said that this couldn't be done, but I was wrong. I ended up needing something like this myself so I looked around, and discovered that server-side prepared statements let you build and execute arbitrary SQL statements from strings.


Here is an example I just did to prove the concept:

set @query := (
  select concat(
      group_concat(concat("\n  1 as ", column_name) separator ','),
    "\nfrom dual")
  from information_schema.columns
  where table_name = 'columns')
prepare s1 from @query
execute s1
deallocate prepare s1
