在 python range() 中是否有任何方法,如除以或乘以?
for java, we can do:
for(int i=100; i>2 ; i=i/2){things to execute}
but what if in python?
is there anything like
for i in range(100:2:something)
could solve this problem?
解决方案If you need something simple which you can have at hand at several places, you can create a generator function:
def range_divide(start, end, denominator): # TODO: Think for a better name!
value = start
while value > end:
yield value
value /= denominator
and then do
for value in range_divide(100, 2, 2):
# do_stuff
You could even flexibilize this with
def range_flexible(start, end, action):
value = start
while value > end:
yield value
value = action(value)
and do
for value in range_flexible(100, 2, lambda x: x/2):
# do_stuff
or even
def for_loop(start, cont_condition, action):
value = start
while cont_condition(value):
yield value
value = action(value)
for value in for_loop(100, lambda x: x > 2, lambda x: x/2):
# do_stuff