使用 max()+1 问题插入和设置值

2021-11-20 00:00:00 sql insert mysql mysql-error-1093

我正在尝试插入一个新行并使用 max()+1 设置 customer_id.这样做的原因是该表已经在另一列名为 id 的列上有一个 auto_increatment,并且该表将有多个具有相同 customer_id 的行.

I am trying to insert a new row and set the customer_id with max()+1. The reason for this is the table already has a auto_increatment on another column named id and the table will have multiple rows with the same customer_id.


INSERT INTO customers
  ( customer_id, firstname, surname )
  ((SELECT MAX( customer_id ) FROM customers) +1, 'jim', 'sock')


...I keep getting the following error:

#1093 - You can't specify target table 'customers' for update in FROM clause

另外,我如何阻止同时添加 2 个不同的客户并且没有相同的 customer_id?

Also how would I stop 2 different customers being added at the same time and not having the same customer_id?



Correct, you can not modify and select from the same table in the same query. You would have to perform the above in two separate queries.

最好的方法是使用事务,但如果您不使用 innodb 表,那么下一个最好的方法是 锁定表,然后执行查询.所以:

The best way is to use a transaction but if your not using innodb tables then next best is locking the tables and then performing your queries. So:

Lock tables customers write;

$max = SELECT MAX( customer_id ) FROM customers;


Grab the max id and then perform the insert

INSERT INTO customers( customer_id, firstname, surname )
VALUES ($max+1 , 'jim', 'sock')

unlock tables;
