将 LIMIT 作为参数传递给 MySQL sproc

2021-11-20 00:00:00 mysql sql-limit stored-procedures

我正在创建一个分页类,需要将两个参数传递给我的 MySQL 存储过程以用于 LIMIT 子句.

I'm creating a paging class and need to pass in two parameters to my MySQL stored procedure for the LIMIT clause.

我将它们作为 INT 传入并尝试这样的事情

I'm passing them in as INTs and trying something like this

MyFirstParamInt, MySecondParamInt

当我尝试保存 sproc 时,它给了我一个错误.有没有办法做到这一点,我只是想念?还是我必须对整个查询进行 EVAL 并执行它?

it gives me an error when I try and save the sproc though. Is there a way to do this that I'm just missing? Or am I going to have to EVAL the whole query and EXECUTE it?


在 5.5.6 之前,LIMIT 无法在 MySQL 存储过程中参数化.您需要动态构建查询并执行它.

Prior to 5.5.6, LIMIT could not be parameterized in MySQL stored procedures. You'd need to build the query dynamically and execute it.

在 5.5.6 及更高版本中,您可以将存储的 procs 参数作为参数传递给 LIMITOFFSET,只要它们是 INTEGER>.

In 5.5.6 and above, you can just pass the stored procs parameters as arguments to LIMIT and OFFSET as long as they are INTEGER.
